"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." ~ Aesop


Random Acts of Kindness Ideas

It can be so easy to find ways to be kind to others. This is especially true when you know how simple it really is, and how great an impact one small act of kindness can have on others.

Some random acts of kindness may cost you some money, and some may take some advanced planning. But many are completely free - all they require is a small amount of your time, and the sincere desire to help someone else.


Send a card or note to a child who could use a little extra attention. Kids love getting mail.

Hold the elevator.

Drop a few coins in an area where children play, where they can easily find them.

Post something you no longer need on your local Craigslist for free.

Pass along a great book you have finished reading, or leave it somewhere for someone else to read.

Volunteer your time at a non-profit or charitable organization.

Bring donuts, cookies, or any other tasty treat to work to share with your coworkers.

Drop off a toy or game at a homeless shelter.

Give away a gift card that you don't plan to use

Volunteer to read to kids at storytime at the library or an after school program

Take time to enjoy the sunrise or sunset - because you need to be kind to yourself also.

Offer to help tutor a student who is struggling

Donate time or resources to your local food pantry

Donate gently used clothing to a clothing drive or local homeless shelter

Plan an entire day when you don't complain or criticize anyone




If you have an idea for a simple act of kindness, please share those ideas with us so that we can add them to the list!